Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ski jumping update

The articles about the fight by female ski jumpers and their allies to get the IOC to include their event in the 2010 Vancouver games may not be coming as fast and furious as a few weeks ago but that does not mean the fight is over.

This week in the Canadian legislature there will be some political wranglings (that's my very imprecise term because I don't quite understand what they are actually planning on doing) to try to pressure the IOC to change its mind.

And in case anyone in Canada does not know about the campaign, the organizers have bought space on two billboards in the Vancouver area that say "Let Women Ski Jump 2010" and include this phrase from the Olympic charter: Implementing the principle of equality of men and women. One of the billboards is located just across the street from the Vancouver Olympic Committee's headquarters.

And there was a rally this past Sunday in Vancouver at which both American and Canadian jumpers and supporters spoke to try to rally the public to their cause.

1 comment:

EBuz said...

NPR had a story about this yesterday on All Things Considered.
