Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Women's boxing getting closer to Olympics

Women's Olympic boxing is looking more and more like it will have a place in the 2012 Olympics. The IOC is in the midst of considering changes to existing sports and adding women to boxing is high among them. The changes being proposed by the International Boxing Association would allow three women and ten men on a country's boxing contingent. But the IOC, which has refused to allow women's boxing into the Games in the past, seems a little more supportive this time. Of course, they do need to accumulate some documents and get the facts and all, according to IOC sports director Christophe Dubi who said that the AIBA has "provided documents concerning the medical elements of the women's discipline."
That's cryptic. Let me see if I can translate that: we're worried about women's "parts" getting hurt. Probably not just the girly parts but injuries in general, though I am sure the girly parts are of primary concern.
Good thing men have that hard plastic cup thing that prevents injuries to their parts; it has clearly alleviated all concerns.
Let's face it: boxing is dangerous--no matter what parts you have. Because everyone has a head with a brain in it. And though it too gets protective wear--it's not a guarantee that your brain is safe when you take it into the boxing ring. And none of your other parts are completely safe either. So why the AIBA needs to submit some special medical evidence about women who box is a little worrisome and very 19th century.

1 comment:

ChicksWithKick.com said...

I agree with you. I am a female boxer and hockey player myself. Women playing against women is entirely different than how men play. Unless they are assuming that women are going to fight men, they have no basis in my opinion for their concerns. For information on womens boxing, please visit http://www.chickswithkick.com.