Saturday, August 01, 2009

Using sex to sell sport Part ??

Oh screw it. I can't keep track anymore of how many posts I have done about using sex appeal to sell women's sports. I had vowed to take a break from this stuff post-Wimbledon. But it keeps coming up.
This time it's women's golf. Not sure why focus has switched over to the LPGA--perhaps because of the difficult economic times the LPGA in particular is experiencing and the (false) notion that sexy, young golfers will somehow remedy that situation.
But as we know it will likely only increase the money earned by a few individual golfers--like the W7. Yes, the Wilhelmina 7--seven young golfers signed by the famous modeling agency. I believe the W7 have made an appearance on this blog before. But here they are again. Also of note is that skeevy Vegas business that hires out female golfers to play with men. One of the up-and-coming pretty girls, Anna Rawson, was part of that group but has apparently jumped ship since all the publicity--which wasn't all good obviously. Rawson has recently signed with company that has done all those lovely ads with Danica Patrick. Not nearly as controversial as her "dykes" on tour radio comments. Check out the previous link to an ESPN piece on Rawson in which she gets very uncomfortable when confronted with her choice of words.
Thankfully I am not the only person who thinks this is all just ridiculous. In honor of National Cheesecake Day which was Thursday, Emily Kay of the Boston Golf Examiner took the sarcastic tone I love and so astutely pointed out that all these efforts to find the cute girls are all about trying to cover up the tour's dirty little secret: lesbians. shhh.... don't tell.
Interestingly enough, the straight, white-girl collective hasn't actually gotten any endorsement deals.

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